Assignments Update
Alright ! Finally I'm done most of my assignments. One more left, which is the last CRR critique assignment that is going to due on this Friday. For the critique, we are suppose to find 2 articles on the same topic and will have to... talk and discuss about it la. And since my lecturer is so open minded, and those normal academical topic, to her, is consider dull and bored, I am going to talk something on... actually I am not sure yet. But it might be a taboo topic, I guess I will prefer a topic where Malaysian government will not discuss it on our academic books. Nyahahaha !
Had a restless night on Thursday where I slept at 5am and woke up at 1am. Was chatting with Cheng Han and we sort of gives moral support to each other so that we can rush our assignments and hand it on time. A good friend indeed and appreciate him a lot !
As I said earlier, I woke up at 6am, to attend PR class at 10am. Why 6am instead of 7am 8am or 9am? Alright, being a lazy boy, you have to scarifies some of your sleeping hour. I don't want to waste my time to take the KTM, and as I have to pay RM 1 for it and I know I will be late walking to the station, I rather wake up early and go college together with my mom. She will drop my sister to college before me.Went to class at 10am but my lecturer said that we can go home after handing in our assignment, and I was like, what ? Woke up at 6am just to hand in my assignment ? I should have got someone to pass up for me ! But think on the bright side, I manage to do some correction before handing in my assignment, and assuming it that I am helping myself to keep some marks with me instead of being cut of for not paying attention in class and not following the instruction, it's worth waking up early.
Went for a movie after that. We watched The Missing (a Cantonese Hong Kong movie), and it turn out quite nice even though some of them said it is bored. Well, to me, no doubt it is kinda bored sometimes, when there are nothing else happening, but more of the time, it's scary due to the sound effects and freaky scene. I found that the movie was romantic, as since *whoever* had unintentionally stab *whoever* when they are in *somewhere* and the whole thing was captured in a video cam. One day when *whoever* found the video tape and wanted to watch it, getting close to see what had happened to *whoever*, the tape went blur and yes, *whoever* can't see a thing and don't know what had happened. And we found out was, *whoever* who is so caring, doesn't want *whoever* to know what had happened, and don't want *whoever* to feel guilty I suppose, he sort of 'deleted' that scene. How touching.
At the end of the movie, they swim together underwater. And after being told by my friends, I found out that it brings meaning of being together forever, life or death, eternally. Sob how touching ! You guys should watch la, since you don't know what I am talking about, watch it and fill in the *whoever*, *whoever* and *somewhere* part =) [J]
p/s: pictures attached in this entry are not relevant to this topic, it's just for deco purposes.
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