Me & Myself
Hehehe, look at the picture, what you found or realised ? Yea, I did something to my hair, I straighten it again ! This time, it just cost RM 35 instead of RM 100 as I just straighten the front part only, not the whole head. Nyahaha !
I would like to quote a sentence Miss Catherine told me that day, during the senior's launching of their PR coperate or something. "We were just talking about you, everytime when we see you, you will have another look..." [ well, something like that la (=.=)" ]
Quite true also, last year, during the first semester, I have this freshman or after-form-5-boy look. Well, it means that I still look like a form 5 boy lo. However, I don't really look like a form 5 kid as I dye my hair in December before class. Then after the first semester, I went to straighten my hair, the front and back only, not then whole head too. And I don't know what happen to the hair colour, it turn brighter and looks like I had re-dye it again, which make my hair look like dry grass, seriously.
Then the third semester, my hair started growing and yea, I looks normal, and sort of have 'natural' straight hair for some certain part, a bit of dye colour on my hair, looks like I have highlighted it. And at the beginning of this semester, I cut it damn short. Now this is exactly looks like a form 5 kid. Short hair, always can be related to high school huh ? And how hard for me to keep it growing and long enough to re-straighten again.But I am not sure why, everytime the first 2 days after I straighten my hair, it looks perfectly nice, but after that, yea, so UGLY man ! Just like a freak ! I am just waiting for it to grow longer. I wanna have medium-long lengh hair ! So... how do I look ? Handsome ? Cute ? Nah, not at all !
Oh yea, people, I am starting to take pictures again ! Try stopping me again !!! Hahahaha~ [J]
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the OLED, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
Handsome man~~~~ great looking~~~ surely u can attract lots of gals in forum... hehe...
what another great entry..nice for front part of ur hair xD..pretty handsome + pretty cute + not really look like form 5 boy a working adult..bwahahaha..just kidding..but really dont much look like form 5 boy lor..k la..keep it up..well camera again =.=||..i aint stopping u coz i cant, so i guess i join u bah..cant stop so join lor..xD..take carez always..ciao 4 now..
- [FL]eeV[z] -
lolz... don't tell me u blog only bout ur hair... br@D
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Guess this is the first time I reply comments in this blog. Anyway, thanks for the comment you guys left me. Anyway, my picture may look nice and great but seriously tell you something, I don't look that great real life. Pictures do lie.
About the photo taking problem, not to say you can stop me or not. Actually it's me who can decide whether to stop or to carry on. I have decided to stop because I do think I don't look nice in picture. But since now I can have great pictures, why not give myself a try ?
One question to anonymous, did you left your name as br@D or it is a message with some meaning inside ? Anyway, yea, blogging about my hair is just a kick start, since I have not been updating my blog for so long and instead of telling about how tiring I am doing my assignment, talk about my assignments and agian, talk about my assignments, why not I do something else. Well, at least to me I think it's special.
Depends on people la. I mean, everyone is different, you have your way of blogging and I have mine. So consider me as vain or narcissistic, even if you want to treat me as a weirdo I don't mind.
Thanks for leaving comments here people ! I am happy to see comments. See ya again !
Hihi, chern lin here.
Haha, nicer look! HAHA, act cute in the photo some more, so gay lar!
ya lar..cant stop u so i join u lor..i also took lots of pic recently..*faint*..but non of them 100% nice lor..=.+||..being infected by Jason~~xD..just kidding..
- [FL]eeV[z] -
hahaha, not bad....
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