One Random Week (2)
Here comes Part II...
Tuesday was THE DAY. Where Miss Tharshni will be coming in with her 666 (devil) look. The whole class were afraid as her face was still the same -- angry face. I'm not going to mention what had actually happened but what I can say is, she was mad at the class for 'using' her kindness. After a short discussion, she became happy again, and everyone were relieve and not that stress anymore. Presentation for group 3, 4, 5 & 6 started and here goes. Tash's group with Julia first and their PowerPoint presentation have so many slides, until...
Geoffrey fell asleep... =) ! *The person in blue is Florence*
As I don't dare to hold up the camera, I have to snap all pictures secretly, without disturbing the presentation.
Not to say the presentation is boring, but just that the 'virus' has attacked me that time, yea, I took pictures again ! Florence was 'infected' as well and these came out !
I went to the Student Concil's meeting after that, I saw Justin's sun glasses, looks cool so I took and snaped a picture with it =)
*cool huh ?* [J]
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