Come visit the other blog of mine for more updates.
Last update: Reflection (7/11/2008)
Check it out ! [J]
I'm just TOO OBSESSED with myself,
Is it a PROBLEM to you ?
Come visit the other blog of mine for more updates.
Last update: Reflection (7/11/2008)
Check it out ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Come visit the other blog of mine for more updates.
Last update: Read Out Loud (5/11/2008)
Check it out ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Come visit the other blog of mine for more updates.
Last update: Slap Me Please (3/11/2008)
Check it out ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Come visit the other blog of mine for more updates.
Last update: Long Draggy Update (1/11/2008)
Check it out ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Got tagged by my sister. Here goes.
Fill in the blanks with the questions and answers below.
Dear (the last person who left a comment on your Journal).I don’t really know how to tell you this, but ___1___. I think I realized it when ___2______3___ and I saw you ___4___ ___5___. I’m sure you’re ___6___ enough to understand ___7___. I’m returning ___8___ to you, but I’ll keep ___9___ as a memory. You should also know that I ___10___ ___11___.___12___,-Your name-
1. What’s the color of your shirt?
Blue - Our romance is over
Red - Our affair is over
White - I’ll join the monastery
Black - I dislike you
Green - Our horoscope doesn’t match
Grey - You’re a pervert
Yellow - I’m selling myself
Pink - Your nostrils are insulting
Brown - The mafia wants you
No shirt - You’re a loser
Other - I’m in love with your sister
2. Which is your birth month?
January - That night
February - Last year
March - When your dwarf bit me
April - When I tripped on sesame seeds
May - First of May
June - When you put cuffs on me
July - When I threw up
August - When I saw the shrunken head
September - When we skinny dipped
October - When I quoted Santa
November - When your dog ran amok
December - When I changed tennis shoes
3. Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - In your apartment
Pizza - In your camping car
Pasta - Outside of Chicago
Hamburgers - Under the bus
Salad - As you ate enchilada
Chicken - In your closet
Kebab - With Paris Hilton
Fish - In women’s clothing
Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation
Lasagna - At the mental hospital
Hot dog - Under a state of trance
None of the above - With George Bush and his wife
4. What’s the color of your socks?
Yellow - Hit on
Red - Insult
Black - Ignore
Blue - Knock out
Purple - Pour syrup on
White - Carve your initials into
Grey - Pull the clothes off
Brown - Put leeches on
Orange - Castrate
Pink - Pull the toupee off
Barefoot - Sit on
Other - Drive out
5. What’s the color of your underwear?
Black - My best friend
White - My father
Grey - Bill Clinton
Brown - My fart balloon
Purple - My mustard soufflé
Red - Donald Duck
Blue - My avocado plant
Yellow - My penpal in Ghana
Orange - My Kid Rock-collection
Pink - Manchester United’s goalkeeper
None - My John F. Kennedy-statue
Other - The crazy monk
6. What do you prefer to watch on TV?
Scrubs - Man
O.C. - Emotional
One Tree Hill - Open
Heroes - Frostbitten
Lost - High
House - Scared
Simpsons - Cowardly
The news - Mongolic
American Idol - Masochistic
Family Guy - Senile
Top Model - Middle-class
None of the above - Ashamed
7. Your mood right now?
Happy - How awful I’ve felt
Sad - How boring you are
Bored - That Santa doesn’t exist
Angry - That your pimples are at the last stage
Depressed - That we’re cousins
Excited - That there is no solution to this.
Nervous - The middle-east
Worried - That your Honda sucks
Apathetic - That I did a sex-change
Ashamed - That I’m allergic to your hamster
Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men
Overjoyous - That I’m open
Other - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks
8. What’s the color of your walls in your bedroom?
White - Your ring
Yellow - Your love letters
Red - Your Darth Vader-poster
Black - Your tame stone
Blue - The couch cushions
Green - The pictures from LA
Orange - Your false teeth
Brown - Your contact book
Grey - Our matching snoopy-bibs
Purple - Your old lottery coupons
Pink - The cut toenails
Other - Your memories from the military service
9. The first letter of your first name?
A/B - Your photo
C/D - The oil stocks
E/F - Your neighbour Martin
G/H - My virginity
I/J - The results of your blood-sample
K/L - Your left ear
M/N - Your suicide note
O/P - My common sense
Q/R - Your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V - Your criminal record
W/X - David’s tricot outfits
Y/Z - Your grades from college
10. The last letter in your last name?
A/B - Always will remember
C/D - Never will forget
E/F - Always wanted to break
G/H - Never openly mocked
I/J - Always have felt dirty before
K/L - Will tell the authorities about
M/N - Told in my confession today about
O/P - Was interviewed by the Times about
Q/R - Told my psychiatrist about
S/T - Get sick when I think of
U/V - Always will try to forget
W/X - Am better off without
Y/Z - Never liked
11. What do you prefer to drink?
Water- Our friendship
Beer - Senility
Soft drink - A new life as a clone
Soda - The incarnation as an eskimo
Milk - The apartment building
Wine - Cocaine abuse
Cider - A passionate interest for mice
Juice - Oprah Winfrey imitations
Mineral water - Embarrassing rash
Hot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishism
Whisky - To ruin the second world war
Other - To hate the Boston Celtics
12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?
Thailand - Warm regards
USA - Best regards
England - Good luck on your short-term leave from jail
Spain - Go and drown yourself
China - Disgusting regards
Germany - With ease
Japan - Go burn
Greece - Your everlasting enemy
Australia - Greetings to your frog Leonard
Egypt - Fuck off now
France - In pain
Other - Greetings to your freaky family
Ended up, this is what I got:
Dear Readers.
I don’t really know how to tell you this, but you’re a loser. I think I realized it when that night with George Bush and his wife and I saw you sit on my best friend. I’m sure you’re frostbitten enough to understand that Santa doesn’t exist. I’m returning your ring to you, but I’ll keep the oil stocks as a memory. You should also know that I told in my confession today about senility. Greetings to your freaky family, The O.F. Kiddo.
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Come visit the other blog of mine for more updates.
Last update: HATE Money (28/10/2008)
Check it out ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 12:06 AM 0 comments
Come visit the other blog of mine for more updates.
Last update: Media Carnival 08 (26/10/2008)
Check it out ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Come visit the other blog of mine for more updates.
Last update: Officially Sick (25/10/2008)
Check it out ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Come visit the other blog of mine for more updates.
Last update: Embarrassing Moment (23/10/2008)
Check it out ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Come visit the other blog of mine for more updates.
Last update: Updates (20/10/2008)
Check it out ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Come visit the other blog of mine for more updates.
Last update: SEE. HEAR. SPEAK. (16/10/2008)
Check it out ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Come visit the other blog of mine for more updates.
Last update: Girls VD Guys (13/10/2008)
Check it out ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Thanks James for tagging me, I was quite surprise when you told me that you had already tagged me. I'll do it even the some questions of the tag is hard to answer. LOL.
1. What is the relationship of you and him?
+ We can consider as friend even though we only met once during a LEO occasion.
2. Your 5 impressions towards him.
+ First impression: Cool (as in seldom talks)
+ First impression: Hard to befriend with (unless you are a girl)
+ Later impression: Friendly dude (after chatted over the net)
+ Later impression: Cool (as in a nice friend to chat with)
+ Later impression: Nice person (thanks for the tag)
3. The most memorable things he had done for you..
+ Well, only met once and the only thing he did was passing me his name card?
4. The most memorable things he had said to you?
+ Erm... My blog impressed him?
5. If he becomes your lover, you will...
+ Kinda impossible right? Unless both of us... LOLz.
6. If he becomes your enemy, you will...
+ Of course I don't wish this will happen but he became my enemy, then I have nothing to say.
7. If he becomes your lover, he has to improve on...
+ No idea.
8. If he becomes your enemy, the reason is...
+ Perhaps I did something that hurts him a lot.
9. The most desirable thing to do on him is...?
+ No idea too.
10. The overall impression of him is...
+ Great ! Nice friend to befriend with !
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
+ Annoying?
12. The character of you for yourself is?
+ Not sure.
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
+ Self conscious
+ Low self esteem
+ Lack of confident
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
+ A lot to be listed.
15. For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them.
+ Have nothing else to say but a big THANK YOU. Thanks for being there for me all the time, and thanks for supporting me !
10 people to tag.
1. Anyone
2. who
3. is
4. reading
5. this
6. tag
7. ,
8. you
9. may
10. do =)
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 1:56 PM 1 comments
I received an e-mail earlier from Dara and found this interesting. Decided to copy and paste it up here for all of you, since I am considering to make this a site where I collect crappy informations, crappy feelings, crappy things, and crappy what-ever !
Here you go:
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 5:50 PM 1 comments
Okay, since Joanne insisted me to do, here it goes:
(Chia Ying, don't say I didn't do okay?)
Name: Chong Jia Jun, Jason
Sisters: one
Brothers: none
Shoe size: 9/10...
Height : 175 cm
Where do you live: Subang Jaya
Favourite drinks: don't have
Favourite breakfast: don't have either
Have you ever been on a plane?: of course
Swam in the ocean : not exactly
Fallen asleep at school : when I was tired
Broken someone’s heart: *Grin*
Fell off your chair : I even fell from the bed
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: I did
Saved e-mails: I used to have 7K e-mails in my inbox
What is your room like : typical boys room but slightly cleaner
What’s right beside you: my T-shirt
What is the last thing you ate: wan tan mee
Ever had chicken pox: saw the chicken pox scar on my face?
Sore throat: yes
Stitches: so far I'm stitch-less
Broken nose: I have tall nose and it's real !
Do you believe in love at first sight: hard to believe in it
Like picnics: depends on the weather
Who was the last person you danced with: college dance members
Last made you smile: yesterday during moon cake festival celebration
You last yelled at: don't remember
Today did you talk to someone you like: nope
Kissed anyone: *grin*
Get sick: to me sore throat means sick
Talk to an ex: I did
Miss someone: perhaps
Eat: what a weird question
Best feeling in the world: being love
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: used to I suppose
What’s under your bed: dusts
Who do you really hate: those who are in my blacklisted list
What time is it now? 7pm, suppose to go for family reunion now
Random: Is there a person who is on your mind now: I suppose so
Do you have any siblings: what is the purpose of asking those questions above?
Do you want children: not at all
Do you smile often: strangers thinks i'm serious
Do you like your hand-writing: depends on my mood
Are your toe nails painted: nope
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: my dream bed
What color shirt are you wearing now: white and black
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: dinner
When did you cry last : last semester
Are you a friendly person: of course
Do you have any pets: used to
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: no idea
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: nope
What do you think?: what I think?
Do you sleep with the TV on?: i seldom watch TV
What are you doing right now?: doing this freaking long tag
Have you ever crawled through a window?: probably
Can you handle the truth?: why not
Are you too forgiving?: most of the time
Are you closer to your mother or father?: my mother
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: those who happens to be in the lab
How many people can you say you’ve really loved?: more than one
Do you eat healthy?: it depends
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?:
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: uh-huh
If you’re having a bad day, where you most likely to go to?: any quiet place
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: a combination of both, it depends
Are you confident?: not at all
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
(i) being lock at home
(ii) sleep before 12am
(iii) craves for a relationship
(iv) tuitions
(v) being myself
5 things on my to-do list today:
(i) go out
(ii) have my own life
(iii) go party
(iv) go shopping
(v) discover what I need
5 snacks I enjoy:
(i) Mr. Potato
(ii) Lays
(iii) Chips More
(iv) Oreo
(v) McFlurry
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
(i) save half
(ii) buy dream house
(iii) buy dream car
(iv) buy strategic-area houses
(v) change my overall look
5 of my bad habits:
(i) lack of confident
(ii) lazy
(iii) emotional
(iv) like to drag
(v) not able to adapt new environment easily
5 people to tag:
(1) You,
(2) the
(3) one
(4) who's
(5) reading
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 6:30 PM 1 comments
D= [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 9:51 PM 2 comments
Guess where am I now? Well, 7.35 at night, I probably staying at home having dinner and watching TV, but now I am still in college. Trying to do my assignments and search for sponsorship for the coming event. Nothing much was done thou, but at least I printed some notes.
Oh yea, I had opened a more formal, not so funky, simple blog. However, this blog will still remain alive and will still get updates of me. So DO NOT DELETE MY LINK FROM YOUR LIST and REMEMBER TO ADD MY NEW BLOG LINK IN YOUR LIST. Haha, how demanding.
Here's the link:
Me & My Multi-Purpose Handphone
Enjoy reading. [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 7:32 PM 0 comments
I don't know how to start my story, well, I will try my best to make it interesting. I went to college as usual, early, at 8 am and bumped into Deborah. We had a short chat while walking to Media Hub. Then, I went for a 1 and a half hours of Student Council meeting and went for breakfast at one of the mamak stall.
I went to class for about 5 minutes late and I managed to sit for the weekly quiz. Then after lecture class, we (Me and Florence) went to the Chinese stall for a drink together with Winnie, Surekha and Mio while they are having their discussion. Then Fleur met Brandon and had some Franch conversation.
Cut those craps. We went to the 7th Floor for pool and met Chloe. We came down around 2pm and when we are on the way to the Media Hub, I chatted with Fleur.
Jason: I feel like going home now.
Fleur: Fuc*er.
Jason: o_O" {...) [speechless]
Fleur: No! I am not talking to you, I just read a message from an annoying guy...
Jason: =.=" {alright)
Damn random right? [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Sorry for not updating recently. Was kinda busy with all my work and assignments. Anyway, Deborah tagged me and I am going to do it now.
It has been quite some times I never do tags. And this one is different compare with the others. They name it PhotoTag. You are suppose to:
Answer the questions below, do a Google Image search with your answer, take a picture from the first page of results, and do it with minimal words of explanation. Tag 5 other people to do the same once you’ve finished answering every question.
1) The age you'll be on your next birthday
2) A place you'd like to travel to
3) Your favorite place
[As long as I am outside, I will be happy]
4) Your favorite food
5) Your favorite pet
6) Your favorite color combination
7) Your favourite piece of clothing
[I think formal looks good on me]
8) Your all time favourite song
[Any nice song will do]
9) Your favorite TV show
10) First name of your significant other/crush
[I will definitely disclose here if I gone cuckoo]
11) The town you live in
[To be exact, SS 15]
12) Your first job
[Anakku Promoter]
13) Your dream job
14) A bad habit you have
[Low Self Esteem]
15) Your worst fear
[Being left out]
16) The one thing you'd like to do before you die
[A lot to be listed]
Will carry on with my own style. I won't tag anyone, so whoever who wants to do it, do it lo. [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 4:26 PM 0 comments
The subjects of this semester are very dull and heavy.
I don't know whether I can bear with it or not because it is really stressful to me.
Online newspapers to read everyday, quizzes every week.
1200 words summary every week.
And more.
Miss Gayatri's tutorial class tomorrow.
And you know what is waiting for us?
Quizzes !
Online newspaper -- unchecked
Text Book Chapter 4 -- unchecked
...great ! I will be facing 10 scary unknown question tomorrow.
And I believed that I will fail and even obtain a zero.
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Hey ya people. How was the video uploaded earlier? Serious damn funny la right? Anyways, I managed to take a new sets of pictures this morning and I had uploaded those pictures in my PhotoBlog. Click here for the link. Remember to wash your eyes after viewing it, cause it's quite 'disturbing' for some people who doesn't likes me. Well, if there are people who doesn't likes me they will never click on that link. Enjoy =) [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Found this through someone's blog.
He is funny, he makes me smile.
This fella reminds me of Justin, I don't know why. Perhaps the smile and the body gesture ?
And to Winnie: Will you give up those other rockers for him ? LOL =P
Enjoy peep ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 11:22 AM 2 comments
...after having my first semester break of my degree course was totally awesome... NOT ! Why you might ask, is it because I can't wake up early after getting used to the holiday mode? Or is it because I don't like my course or subjects? Or maybe... nope !
Well, let's begin my story at 12.15am in the morning. I am suppose to go to bed at 11.45pm, mom tend to force me to sleep early so that I can wake up at 6 in the morning, as usual school period... which of course, I did not follow what she told and went chatting online until 12am plus. Got some nagging (as usual again) when she knows I am still awake at 12.15 am when I was going down to switch off the modem. Oh yea, my house rules, PC can't be switched on twenty four seven and we (the last user) are suppose to switch of the modem before sleeping.
Okay, got some nagging, went to toilet, wash my face clear the oil, lower down the speed of the ceiling fan, switch off the light, went to bed, try to sleep. Sounds like I am getting a good night sleep right? But no ! Instead of sleeping, my eyes was widely opened looking at the ceiling and the fan. I don't know what I can do to force myself to shut down all the programme process in my brain, it was still working non stop creating thoughts and stuff.
Well, the brain don't stop working while you are asleep and I know that. But I just wish I can knock myself out by using a baseball bat (if only I have one in my room and if I have the guts to do so) so that I can have a good night sleep the night through. Eventually I don't have all those, the guts and the tool as well, so I was awake.
Checked my hand phone. It shows 1.00 am. Great. I am still awake and I am suppose to wake up at 6 in the morning. 5 more hours to go and "I AM STILL AWAKE" (that was what I told myself last night). I can't sleep at night during the holidays even though I lay down at 12. I will only fall asleep after 1.30am almost every night and it has eventually became a 'trend' for my brain.
Thinking for a reason why I can't go to sleep. I heard music. Not only music but advertisements as well. Right, now I know why. The reason behind these all while is because of the newly bought LCD TV downstairs. You see, I did not examined the whole structure but I assume that the volume and sound came out from the side of the TV, and the noise travel fast through the wall and air and it has channel all the distracting noises and sounds and radiation into my room. Daddy tend to sleep after 1.30am every night and I can't sleep with those irritating noises.
Moral value of the story: Do not buy LCD TV, buy the old fashion TV. Otherwise, do have sound proved walls and doors for your bedroom.
This is not the main point.
Ghee, I am having such long entry this time.
Anyway, back to the topic. I woke up at 6am today and found that my hair sucks today. Bad hair day indeed. But I care no more ! I just know I am going to the saloon again and this time, I want it short. SHORT but NOT the FORM 5 kind of short. Short with style I suppose. Wondering is that possible?
Okay, I already have problems lacking of sleeping hours and as well as my hair. Now what?
When I reached college. I found out that there are no classes today !
Oh my.
I make my effort to wake up early in the morning to attend class, just to know that there are actually no class TODAY ?!
Apparently there is a note stating that all tutorial classes will start next week on the 11th of August. AND today I have 3 tutorial classes. So GREAT ! I am in college for nothing.
Bumped into Ms Adeline. She suggest me to go to the library to read and download all notes. But the problem now is I don't know what else to read.
Consider very UNLUCKY day today.
Monday VERY Blue.
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 10:27 AM 1 comments
I feel like having some snacks !
Whooo hooo !
I swear I am going to be fat !
I wish college, assignment and stress will slim me down
To eat or not to eat?
I feel like eating ler...
Oh my ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Hmmm, people do you know what? After a week I came back from Genting, I am still sick ! Before this I got sore throat, slight fever, headache and so and my sore throat got serious till the point that I felt hurt swallowing my own saliva . Went to see the doctor on Monday and I got better on Tuesday after taking the medicine given by the doctor. However, another virus attacked me on Tuesday and I got flu and cough. My throat got well today I consider but I am still sick !
Chatted with Issac and he wants me to mention his name in my blog. So I purpose have this line for him. Happy boy?
Anyways, I had updated my PhotoBlog. Pictures and some slight description about my trip are over there. Feel free to visit my PhotoBlog or just click here and go to the entry itself. Enjoy dudes ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Wanted to make an entry about the Genting trip but just can't make myself to start typing. My head is still quite heavy and dizzy, the my throat never feel better. Touching my forehead, it is still kinda warm... which is not a good news. Guess I am not the only person who got sick after coming back from Genting.
I guess the main reason I got sick is because I did not get to sleep properly. It is quite clear now. I can't stay awake for the whole night and the out come of staying awake the whole night will be... sick. LOL.
Right... I am not going to stay awake whole night otherwise I will be sick again.
Another reason. The bottle I brought was quite small, causing me drink less water in such cooling weather. One thing bad in me is I don't really like to drink water unless I am asked to. That's why I got Deborah to remind me sometimes. Hahaha... Joanne as well is another reminder. Funny la you guys. Thanks for reminding anyways.
Forcing myself to drink more water now... but it doesn't seems helping much. My throat is still quite painful and I just don't know what I can do. I keep taking the medicine specially for my throat but... after about 6 tablets taken, there are still no effect !
Already skipped the port luck party organised by Ms Jessica, and missed the chance to meet my ex-boss and the others. It's kinda sucky thou.
Tomorrow's Sunday. And I will have 1 more week left and classes will start.
I just can't believe my holiday is going to end SO soon !
Pray for me please, that I am going to get well soon. [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 10:39 PM 1 comments
Yea, dizzy, headache, sore throat, neck ache... whatever...
Everything came to me after I came back from Genting.
Now I am moving as slow as... whatever it is slow.
Alright, and I am telling you guys that I will be updating my blog soon, on my Genting trip. So yea, please stay tune !
(Oh my... I can barely think properly now...) [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 1:16 PM 1 comments
Hmmm, let's talk about something else, something that I did not mention for a long time. Anyone remembers that I am a LEO Club member ? I joined the club since form 1, and I have the passion towards the club and activities organized. Having the thought that LEO is my life and I will never give up joining the club, and wanted to join the Lion Club one day when I am old enough. That's why I still join the club after I left form 5, even though the other friends of mine had decided to quite joining it.
However, I am loosing the passion, the fire, the hope towards the club. I think that it is taking out my time and I don't have enough time for my assignments and personal use. Perhaps the group I hang along with are no longer there, and I don't feel comfortable without them.
After 2 years joining the Omega club, I did nothing. And I feel that I can't actually hang well in the club. Maybe it is due to my personal confidence. I am not confident enough to speak up or to lead a project.
Yet, I was given a project to be done. This can consider as my first project and this is quite a big project. The Leo Musical Charity Concert, is major event of the year and this will be held next year. Of course, I have to start planning now. The profits earned will be channeled for charity, mostly to the orphanages.
So yeah ! People, do support my project. My very own major project, and I hope I can handle this project well. Since I am a mass comm student now, I need to give myself a try. Training and so.
Good luck to me ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 11:59 AM 2 comments
Check it from My UniSA homepage, under "my Academic record".
I am not having good grades thou =(
Anyways, good luck to those who are checking your result ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 10:43 PM 0 comments
I remembered we were talking about taking studio picture before we turn to 20 but I just can't remember who were in that conversation. We agreed to take together, anyone remembers anything? Mind to tell ? Solve my problem please. [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 12:33 AM 1 comments
I might be working for Taylor's again, this time will be working under the Cooperate Marketing side. Not decided yet, but 80% confirming.
Since I stopped working for CPE department, I have to think of a way to find extra pocket money for myself. If I am going to go out once a while I will need money to survive. My allowance from my parents is not enough for me to do something extra sometimes.
And considering that I might need something to do to pass my time, beside doing assignments, I might accept the job. Taking this as one of my opportunity to know more about the job scope and to know more people around the college, this might be a golden opportunity / learning experience for me !
Think about it. I think I will accept the job. Better call Shereen to confirm. Then I will see whoever who will be in college this Friday =) [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 3:03 PM 0 comments
And yea, I'm finally back ! Sorry for being so slow, I mean to upload this entry. Not to say that there are a lot to write or something, but just being lazy as usual. I staied at home for 5 days and more rotting while taking care of my sister. Hey, it's not easy okay ? I am having holiday but I have to stay at home when I am suppose to go out hanging out with my friends instead of... yea, rotting. But what can do ? Since my parents had ordered me to do so and went to Kota Kinabalu for vication. They are coming back today thou, finally. And yes, I have been a good brother, just that I had forgotten the time to fetch her home today and she got mad for that ? How annoying ?
From the pictures in my PhotoBlog, you will see that there are some differences of the counter as compare with One Utama's counter. They have more computers and more things la... as in they have lucky draw for each RM 100 spent, photo shooting session for every product bought, and a free recycle bag with picture drew by the artist for each RM 350 spent.
Go have a look. More pictures might be uploaded if I am not lazy. Pictures of me and the other promoters, but I forgot to take pictures with Eve, one of the promoter. Shall find her next time, since I know where she is working now. Haha.
Oh yea, people, is there any freelance job to be introduced ? I am seeking for one. Thanks anyways ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 3:10 PM 0 comments
This is Teck Weng, my ex... classmate and schoolmate (haha, gotcha !), funny one to hang out with. Anyway, today Debra, one of my high school junior asked me to go for lunch service today for her friend, Mervin. According to her, I should have known him last time but I don't remember seeing him, and he has the same name as me. Then during the lunch service, I met Pei Min together with Adeline. Then I heard them calling Teck Weng, so I assumed that they are going to Pyramid, which is some place I wanted to go as well. So I follow them along lo~ 5 of us walked around Pyramid. And of course, some of them bought something.
I just follow, and wait and as well did a survey on some sport shoes. I wanted to buy when i get my pay. But I heard that my salary will be coming out 2 months later. Oh well. Not many pictures we took. Din't really take picture during this outing also. Anyway, I really wish to go further my studies in Adelaide in my third year. Since they are going over there too ! Got friends over there, will always be different one ! Oh yea, the Biotherm promotion already over and now I am jobless. Anyone wanna introduce me some job ? And pictures during my working days will be uploaded soon. So sorry with all broken English. Having headache now. Seems that I am having fever. Need some rest thou. Nights people ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 9:49 PM 0 comments
I was somehow 'tagged' by my sister. She actually forced me with a shotgun pointed at my head. In order to safe my life, I have to do so.
1.What do you want the most now?
2.Who is the person you trust the most?
3.Are you in love?
4.If you have a dream come true..
5.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
6.What's your goal for this year?
7.Do you believe in eternity?
8.Have you ever broken a person's heart that he/she wanted to commit suicide?
9.What feeling do you love the most?
10.What are the requirements for your other half?
11.What kind of feeling do you hate the most?
12.Do you cherish every friendship of yours?
13.What do you want to do in the future?
14.What is the most important thing in your life?
15. How did you feel last night?
16.Who do you hope to be always there for you?
17.When do you think the world will end?
18.The world ends tomorrow.What will you do?
19.What do you think of the person that tagged you?
20.What do you want to know right now?
I'm Tagging~
Ok, I am done.
Oh yea, I will be working tomorrow at Mid Valley. See me there alright ? [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 8:19 PM 2 comments
Well well well, after working for 3 days, I finally get to come online as I came home early. I reached home quite late on Friday and Saturday as I don't have a car, but today, since I drove over to One Utama, I have to drive home straight after I finish working.
About my work. I got a call from my friend few days ago and she asked me whether I am interested to work for a skin care company and I agreed to help. On that day it self only I know I am working for Biotherm. Only 4 males got hired to work from 12pm to 7pm and I am one of them, hehehe ! We are suppose to give out the promotion card and pull customers for a free skin analyse, the pursuing part will leave it to the permanent workers.
But guess what, I get to play with the machine and I actually used it to scan... Sabrina's face. LOL. Well, at least I know how to explain to her and intro her some products that is suitable for her. Besides, thanks to the supervisor, Lynn, I got to know about male's skin care products, more or less.
If you approach me (for guys only) and ask me what you should use, I guess I can point out the product that is suitable after asking a few question. Should be okay for me.
Very happy get to know some new people and friends. Looking forward for the next job. Nice working with all of you people: Sky, Casper, Adrain, Ming Keat, Lynn, Yen Yi, Catherine, June and others. Hope to see most of you again ! [J]
p/s: More pics click here !
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 10:14 PM 1 comments
Alright, due to the connection, I just manage to upload some pics in my Photo Blog. Maybe you guys can give me some idea or suggestion on which shirt is nice on me ? I feel like buying the last one thou, go check it out ! Click here for the link to that particular entry.
Wow, this is a real short entry !
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 12:00 AM 0 comments
The connection today is so bad, worst then the other time as this time I don't even get into Friendster webpage. Fine. Not going to force it anyways, might go offline and finish up my Heroes Second Season the last episod. Hahaha, I like Heroes !
Went out with my sister today after taking her report card. We went to watch Get Smart and had Subway for lunch. Bought some magazines, so I might just read it after this. Took some pictures, in the fitting room, as usual. Might post it up soon.
Will start working tomorrow at 1 Utama. For only 3 days. Any freelance job to intro ? I have my whole month free except there is a week I have to dedicate it to my sister as my parents are going to KK.
How's life people ? [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 8:37 PM 1 comments
Finally ! After 5 days of my holiday, I am starting to blog. I guess all my fellow classmates who has a blog already posted something up on the first or second day of their holiday but just me, busy as usual. LOL !
Connection has been sucky since 2 weeks before my holiday. And I have finish up all my assignment with this sucky connection. Well, I already got over with it. I should be happy. My PC somehow is getting some problems and it just can't turn on sometimes. I feel like backing up all my data and bring it to reformat before it turn worst.
Picture above was taken by using Pei Hwa's laptop. Thanks to her laptop, all posers was quite satisfied with their posing on the last day of first semester. Except for some people who were still rushing their assignment and keep asking us to shut up. LOL. No offends. *Anyways, there are more pictures in my Photo Blog*
Let me share what had happened these 5 days.
The first day and the second day which is on the 21 and 22 of June, weekends, I went working as a student helper on an education fair in Mid Valley. And I did not really get to go online since Friday due to the connection. So I watched Heroes Season 1 which I downloaded from the net and spend my time. On the 23 of June, I went jogging with my mom early in the morning and I saw Alicia's mom, having her morning walk. Had some long conversation on education with Mr Narthen (I don't know about the spelling), a stranger, who has been walking around the lake for 20 years.
I woke up late on the 24 of June and did not went for morning walk. Instead, I got a call on that day, a friend of mine was offering me a job in One Utama on this coming Friday and the weekends, I accepted the offer. Today which is the 25 of June, went for jogging again and saw Lish's mom and she told me that she might be able to get me a job, but I have to get the number from them. On yea, not forgetting that I went out with Mr Nathaniel (Architecture school lecturer) for a movie, Kong Fu Panda. Was kinda weird but who cares. LOL !
Well, wasted my 5 days of holiday. Getting my sis's report card tomorrow after jogging. Will be catching a movie with her since she said she has not been going out for quite some time. Good brother, what to do ? *sweet grin* [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Was talking with Joanne this evening in the college library, while Nazihah was doing her own research and Chern Lin was frustrating on her research, I told her about being careful of "HIV infection" if she simply "penetrate" it into any "hole". Well, stop falling out track, I am talking about her tumb drive ! Clean your head !
So, guess what ? Today my tumb drive had been stupid I suppose and had "penetrated" into some "hole" which contain "HIV", and me, another bright one, had force it to poke into one of the "holes" in my PC. A visitor came... Mr Trojan visited and staying now, with me !
Oh well, I don't understand this entry at all ! GOSH ! I need to find way to make him leave my PC ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 11:54 PM 2 comments
Alright ! Finally I'm done most of my assignments. One more left, which is the last CRR critique assignment that is going to due on this Friday. For the critique, we are suppose to find 2 articles on the same topic and will have to... talk and discuss about it la. And since my lecturer is so open minded, and those normal academical topic, to her, is consider dull and bored, I am going to talk something on... actually I am not sure yet. But it might be a taboo topic, I guess I will prefer a topic where Malaysian government will not discuss it on our academic books. Nyahahaha !
Had a restless night on Thursday where I slept at 5am and woke up at 1am. Was chatting with Cheng Han and we sort of gives moral support to each other so that we can rush our assignments and hand it on time. A good friend indeed and appreciate him a lot !
As I said earlier, I woke up at 6am, to attend PR class at 10am. Why 6am instead of 7am 8am or 9am? Alright, being a lazy boy, you have to scarifies some of your sleeping hour. I don't want to waste my time to take the KTM, and as I have to pay RM 1 for it and I know I will be late walking to the station, I rather wake up early and go college together with my mom. She will drop my sister to college before me.Went to class at 10am but my lecturer said that we can go home after handing in our assignment, and I was like, what ? Woke up at 6am just to hand in my assignment ? I should have got someone to pass up for me ! But think on the bright side, I manage to do some correction before handing in my assignment, and assuming it that I am helping myself to keep some marks with me instead of being cut of for not paying attention in class and not following the instruction, it's worth waking up early.
Went for a movie after that. We watched The Missing (a Cantonese Hong Kong movie), and it turn out quite nice even though some of them said it is bored. Well, to me, no doubt it is kinda bored sometimes, when there are nothing else happening, but more of the time, it's scary due to the sound effects and freaky scene. I found that the movie was romantic, as since *whoever* had unintentionally stab *whoever* when they are in *somewhere* and the whole thing was captured in a video cam. One day when *whoever* found the video tape and wanted to watch it, getting close to see what had happened to *whoever*, the tape went blur and yes, *whoever* can't see a thing and don't know what had happened. And we found out was, *whoever* who is so caring, doesn't want *whoever* to know what had happened, and don't want *whoever* to feel guilty I suppose, he sort of 'deleted' that scene. How touching.
At the end of the movie, they swim together underwater. And after being told by my friends, I found out that it brings meaning of being together forever, life or death, eternally. Sob how touching ! You guys should watch la, since you don't know what I am talking about, watch it and fill in the *whoever*, *whoever* and *somewhere* part =) [J]
p/s: pictures attached in this entry are not relevant to this topic, it's just for deco purposes.
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 8:53 AM 0 comments
(Communication: Rhetoric and Reasoning's) Presentation + (Computer, Communication and Society's) Presentation + (Computer, Communication and Society's) Journal + Sleeping at 4.30 in the morning to rush assignments + Waking up at 6.45 in the morning to attend 8am class & presentation = Slight Fever + Slight Sore Throat + Flu and Running-Nose + Got Cold + Pimple above mouth + Pimple on face + Ulcer under tongue + and more...
Coming Up:
Public Relation 1 FINAL 3-day-limit Report (2500 words)
Communication: Rhetoric and Resoning FINAL Critique Assignment (2500 words)
Computer, Communication and Society FINAL Presentation Report (2500 words)
Computer, Communication and Society 4 Journal Movies
Message to myself:
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 9:56 PM 2 comments
Found this in Amir's blog, decided to share with you guys !
[Dealing With Woman]
Then I found this, and again, decided to share with everyone !
[How Woman Treat Man]
* Will just upload 3 first. I have 2 presentations, one journal, one powerpoint to do for tomorrow. All DUE TOMORROW !!! What the heck ?! Cheers people ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 11:44 AM 1 comments
I am currently chatting with Kelvin on MSN and he was telling me that he couldn't stand UNI life and feel like leaving, but eventually it's just something to say. Talk about leaving UNI life, I actually did think of leaving my course as since I think life is getting hectic and I am afraid I can't cope with it. Besides, I am afraid too that I might fail any of my subject and I need to retake it, and by that time, mom and dad will probably like, kill me? I can't take that ! I can't bear getting myself a 'fail' in any of my subject otherwise I might kill myself before being killed by someone else. Thinking back, what can I do if I don't continue my course ? Work ? Nah~ Who wants me ? I mean, a student with a Foundation in Communication cert, to compare with a degree holder, I will definitely will be the first to be kick out of any company. I might as well continue my studies and get a better job right ? Leaving college/uni is not a good choice after all ! Well, to think on the bright side, I am making more new friends and having fun in college beside studying, class and working time, I know people around and can fit myself well in the campus, why must I leave ? Right ?
Talk about friends, Chern Lin with her funny entry with a funny title "Bab%Rap%dKL" is just hilarious. Knowing that the public transport of Malaysia is kinda... you know, doesn't need to further explain, but when she type it out, it is just funny ! Quote from her blog "...because I know I have to wait for the train and bus, you know, cacat train and babi bus.". Imagine that I am reading it loud and clear and emphasizing the bolded words. It's just funny you know ? I don't know why and can't explain it.Speaking of funny friend, Amir is another funny guy in class and know what, someone had put a prank on him and he thought it was his girlfriend's ex who did that and was so afraid, yet happy to know that he is having such amazing and adventurous life. Knowing that the threaten letter was actually left by his girlfriend's sister and her 'friend', he felt funny, kinda dissapointed and proud to tell every single living things on earth about it. You gonna check out both of their blogs. Links are given at the list, go search under 'college' category and look up for Chern Lin and Amir.
Oh yea, just before you ask me why, pictures attached together with this entry are not inter-relate to each other, just that I am doing a such long entry, decided to insert some pictures to make it, 'colourful'.
Oh, Yi Lin's back ! Welcome home girl we missed you so much ! Everyone, let's go for a vacation alright ? Don't feel like continuing already. Thanks to those 'musical dogs' behind my house causing me slept around 4.30am - 5 am and have to wake up around 6.30 am for class. Uh... but I was quite, energetic today, for don't-know-what-reason. Just... tired I suppose. Night people ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 11:22 PM 1 comments
Okay, I guess this is the most suitable word to describe me. Jason the poser and the narcissist. Well, what's the problem of loving yourself ? No right ? But there are always people talk about this. However, there are many people who are doing the same thing and I suppose me myself is just one of the don't-know-how-many-thousand people that have the similar interest. I'm proud of it ! Haha, yes I am. In fact, I have not touched the camera for quite a long time already. Perhaps a (few) months right after I cut my hair and when it's growing, as that time the hair was kinda, but not really that curly but just that I can stand looking myself, with that kind of hair style so I rather hide myself in my own shell. Now, I had my hair straighten, as in the fringe only and I look at least better and smarter compare to last time, when it's still curl. Yea, as I bought a new shirt, I make full used of the shirt and Wei Hong old sun glasses, and took a set of new model look pictures for myself. Quite satisfying after so long not holding the camera. Luckily the self-taking-picture technique is still with me, otherwise all these pictures will not be presented here. Hahaha !
Of course, there is only one picture here. I know some people rather read than looking through at my pictures. But for those who are interested, do hop ito my Photo Site, and you can have a view of it. I just uploaded 15 pictures instead of the whole 200 plus pictures. I'm not THAT crazy over myself... yet. Hehe~ Hope you guys enjoy this entry. Haha ! You may click here to go straight to the pictures related to this entry. [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Hmmm, yesterday I went to Mid Valley to get some shirt for myself. The reason of me buying all these shirts is because I'm attending a forum on the 30th of May and we must wear accordingly to the theme, which I don't think I'm following it as I am wearing jeans from Soda and a white long sleeve shirt from Romp. The theme is starlight night. So I just don't care la, as long as I'm wearing something it should be alright. I think not many people will follow the theme anyway, I just wear what I think it's nice on me. Besides buying a white long sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans, I also got myself a formal leather belt and a box of Renoma underwear.
Oh yea, forget to mention my friend Benzemine who fetch me to Mid Valley and shop with me. He bought himself a shirt from Soda. And we spent quite a lot that day too. I wonder why. Had dinner in Sunway Pyramid, we wanted to eat Sakae Sushi at first but since there are so many people queueing up outside the entrance, we decided to have Manhattan Fish Market, and this is my first time having it. Kinda nice but since it's in a large proportion, and we did order side order, we can barely finish up everything. Both of us forced ourselves to finish the last piece of meat and left the rice aside.
Got home and Ben decided to have a rest at my place before going back to Damansara as he is extremely full. He left before 12am and yea, I got scolded by my mom for buying all those shirts. White long sleeve shirt from Romp (RM 49.90), a pair of jeans from Soda (RM120), a box of Renoma Underwear (RM 29.90) and a formal leather belt from Metrojaya (RM 29.90). Of course she's angry la ! [J]
p/s : Oh yea, I've forgotton, for more pictures relating to this entry please click here.
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 12:55 PM 0 comments
I have been busy with all my stuff here. Hardly got time for my blog, feel so sorry something as I am not taking care of this site. Well, I am having my mid term break now. Only 2 weeks that's all. But assignments are as tall as mountain which might take away all our time for holiday. Thought can get some rest to recharge ourselves, or can go for vacation or something but I guess this is not going to happen. I seriously damn lazy to do my assignments ler... I wish I am a hardworking boy. So many things happened recently, I felt kinda pressure. Assignments, friendships, family, personal problems... and the list goes on. Talk about the picture in this entry, was taken in the Media Hub together with Florence and Winnie. Some of my classmates were there too, more pictures can go to my Photo Site. Just to let you guys know how lazy I am, it's already Wednesday (yea, this entry supposed be uploaded 3 days ago) but I have not started my assignments yet, and some of the due date is on this Sunday. I keep watching videos and stuff, I am just a naughty boy !
Anyways, thanks for visiting my blog people, to check out more pictures of this entry, you may click here. Cheers people ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 10:45 PM 1 comments
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 1:51 PM 4 comments
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 12:24 PM 1 comments
Alright people, I have nothing much to do, lazy to do my assignments and meeting minutes, that is why I play with my Photoshop and made this. Don't know what else to do... Hehe... Anyways, I might put more pictures in the PhotoBlog. Check it out then ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 10:47 PM 0 comments
I don't know whether I am making the right decision. I actually went into Facebook and check out my own profile after chatting with Jessica and Qiki. Decided to approve all friends request in my list, about 102 of them. And send message to those I think I don't know them but is in the friends request. Was quite smooth and was thinking to quite Friendster as Friendster is giving me troubles recently. It keep logging me out and wanting me to log in agian and again and again ! Which is quite annoying I can say. But soon, I found that my account had been disable, due to sending out too many messages, or something, I don't know. They did not manage to give me a suitable and reasonable reason too.
Hack it, I might be using Facebook, but I am not quitting Friendster. That's what I can say. Add me @ (if I am not mistaken with my registered email address), see ya people ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 10:25 AM 1 comments
Well yah ! I finally got my new phone and will be using it tomorrow. Actually I got it last 2 week, on Friday (11/4/2008) when I went out with Benzemine and Ken, meeting up with Samson and Mindy. I went out just to get notes for my PR Assignment, so I was out for a reason =)
Anyways, this is my second Sony Ericsson phone and this is K530i. Black in colour and it looks so cool. In order to protect this new phone, I bought a plastic phone casing and a phone bag for it, need to be extra careful as I wish I can use it for a long period. I am not a rich boy so that's why. Click here for more pictures.
As I am still new to it, I am not sure what function it has, not well understand yet. But don't worry, I will try to communicate with it and I might find more 'secrets' within it. Haha !
Just a special notice, thanks Laura for lending me her Photoshop CS2 CD. Now, I can continue using my photoshop after such a long time not using it. Although I am not really good in editing, but I know I can learn, so Winnie, start teaching me alright ? Haha ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 9:52 PM 2 comments
Hehehe, look at the picture, what you found or realised ? Yea, I did something to my hair, I straighten it again ! This time, it just cost RM 35 instead of RM 100 as I just straighten the front part only, not the whole head. Nyahaha !
I would like to quote a sentence Miss Catherine told me that day, during the senior's launching of their PR coperate or something. "We were just talking about you, everytime when we see you, you will have another look..." [ well, something like that la (=.=)" ]
Quite true also, last year, during the first semester, I have this freshman or after-form-5-boy look. Well, it means that I still look like a form 5 boy lo. However, I don't really look like a form 5 kid as I dye my hair in December before class. Then after the first semester, I went to straighten my hair, the front and back only, not then whole head too. And I don't know what happen to the hair colour, it turn brighter and looks like I had re-dye it again, which make my hair look like dry grass, seriously.
Then the third semester, my hair started growing and yea, I looks normal, and sort of have 'natural' straight hair for some certain part, a bit of dye colour on my hair, looks like I have highlighted it. And at the beginning of this semester, I cut it damn short. Now this is exactly looks like a form 5 kid. Short hair, always can be related to high school huh ? And how hard for me to keep it growing and long enough to re-straighten again.But I am not sure why, everytime the first 2 days after I straighten my hair, it looks perfectly nice, but after that, yea, so UGLY man ! Just like a freak ! I am just waiting for it to grow longer. I wanna have medium-long lengh hair ! So... how do I look ? Handsome ? Cute ? Nah, not at all !
Oh yea, people, I am starting to take pictures again ! Try stopping me again !!! Hahahaha~ [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 9:01 PM 8 comments
Alright, I wanna start something new and err... light ? Okay, I guess I used the wrong word to explain my feeling now, anyway let's move on.
I found this site from Alexio's blog, and I registered and managed to make one of this character for myself. This fella, don't really look like me, in fact, it's totally different from me. Anyway, you can see that he has some 'special power' where he can control something by using his... erm... mind ? or hand ?
Whatever it is, this is not going to happen ! I am wishing for something that will never come true. Well, people, just forget about this entry ok ? At least, these two paragraph.
Anyway, let me promote this blog, uh, like people cares... anyway, back to Alexio's blog, you know what ? He is a cool designer from LKW. Don't know where or what is LKW ? Hahahah ! I am not going to tell you what is that, go read his blog la !
A nice person, chatty, funny bro to me ! Good as he take cares people well and yes, we have lots of similarity... such as... NOT TELLING ! Nyahaha ! Keeping it as a secret ! Anyway, a cool person indeed.
Go check him out ! I mean, his blog la !
Cheers ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 10:39 PM 0 comments
The time now is 3.52 AM.
And I am still awake, to do my assigments.
But I have a lot more to go, still not finishing, but I gave up.
I don't understand how to do, for some, I don't even understand the question.
A few readings have not read yet.
The lecturer will definitely ask us question
based on the readings given by her and those who can't answer, will be...
CCS Presentation tomorrow, uh, I mean, later.
CCS Assignment due later too.
CRR Class after CCS class.
I'm falling sick, I guess.
My godness. [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 3:52 AM 1 comments
Presentation on Radio - DONE !
Summary on "Arts offers plethora of choices" - DONE !
1000 words Academic Writing on "What is a journalist" - DONE !
Presentation on Blogs - Prepared !
Report of Presentation on Radio - Pending
Journal for Computer, Communication & Society - Pending
I guess you more or less know how busy I am and the reason why I am not updating my blog. Not that I don't want to update, just that I don't have the time. I am a busy man !
100% assignment based course is not really that good as how it sounds like after all. You see, the assignment (or also known as assessment) given are actually our examination, instead of saying we have a 100% course work, why not saying we have 100% examinations.
Right. People you know what what KTM Stesen stands for ? Let me tell you, it stands for Kami-Tipu-Mereka-Semua-Tetapi-Elakkan-Seluruh-Efek-Nanti. Well, I think this is very true lo. As for your information, the new KTM machine at Setia Jaya (on the bridge) is spoiled, and I did not know, so I clicked to the destination I want to go, and put in the correct amount of coins into the machine as it stated that the machines can't receive notes (because that notes-insert-hold is spoiled and there is a piece of paper covering that part). A total of RM 1 coins was insert into the machine, only the machine says that the whole thing is spoiled.
I went to the counter which is just one step away from the machine and asked the guy who was looking at me from the beginning of the whole time, whether is the machine spoil, and he answered yes. Look how stupid he is, having fun seeing me wasting my money huh ?
It's even more stupid on last 2 weeks. When I was in KL Central with Florence, we paid RM 3.60 in total for 2 Subang Jaya KTM ticket. I did not check the ticket after that and went to the platform. The train came half an hour late. When we are almost reaching Setia Jaya, the worker came and had an spot check. He found out that our ticket is not the correct one, what I mean is it's not suppose to go to Subang Jaya. That ticket cost RM 4.80 each and do you think I want to waste my money just to go back to Subang ? He is just so stupid, he called us out and told us that we had gone into the wrong train and wanted us to pay RM 10 each as penalty.
I told him it's not my fault for taking the wrong ticket but it's the counter's fault who gave us the wrong ticket, he said don't worry as he will complain the fella who work at the counter too and will ask her to pay for the penalty as well. What the heck ? Paying from the both sides ? Then where will the money go ?
Dara went back home at Sungai Buloh at 9 pm the other night. Why ? She was stucked at the KL Central for 4 hours. Imagine that. She was so angry and scolded the Station Master and found out that there are 20 plus trains in action currently whereas the other 30 plus trains are now MIA. Freaking hell, they said that all MIA trains were spoiled and fixing it now.
But question is, are they fixing it ? Since they are so smart can get extra money from 'stupid' customers who never check his or her ticket and holds the wrong ticket, why aren't they doing anything ? I just found out that another friend of mine from Indonesia actually got the same problem as she came down from the wrong station, but she can actually go down and take the other train back to her initial station as she missed her station, the man insist her to pay. I guess she paid as she don't know what to do.
You know what ? I think the man who do the spot check and the fella who give the wrong ticket actually are in a group. They purposely give the wrong ticket and ask the man to look for the unlucky one. The reason I said that is because I once receive a ticket of somewhere else, which actually I want to go to somewhere before that station, I told the guy that he gave the wrong one but he said it's ok, since the station I want to go is before the one printed on the ticket, I can actually get out.
So people, next time if you are taking KTM home or to anywhere, do check the ticket and see whether it printed the correct destination you want to go. I felt so embarrass that day as everyone was staring at me, as though I am a thief. I told myself that day it self, if possible, do not take the KTM anymore.
Hate it ! [J]
Posted by The O.F. Kiddo at 4:37 PM 1 comments
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